
BaltimoRealEstate makes investing in real estate simple, smart, and effective for the investors.

  Baltimore is a very reliable investing market thanks to its steady, dependable economy...

The Latest Baltimore Real Estate Market Trends

Baltimore’s real estate market is very large, seeing as it is one of the largest cities in the...

Our support for Baltimore is stronger than ever

Human blood has no color. The recent events in Minneapolis make even more reason for us to develop t...

The impact of the Coronavirus on the real estate market

The impact of the Coronavirus on the real estate market   In this time of stock market vo...

Consequences of the Coronavirus on the global economy - stability of the real estate market

The health crisis linked to the spread of the coronavirus outside China appears to pose a great risk...

What experts predict for the US housing market in 2020

In their 2020 forecast, most real estate experts expect the housing market to move sideways rather t...

The Reasons Why Real Estate Investment Remains A Safe And Profitable Investment

A decade after the collapse of Lehman Brothers sparked a plunge in markets and a raft of emergency m...

U.S. Real Estate Investment in 2019: Baltimore vs. New York

When it comes to real estate investment, the analysis of the real estate market in the city you are ...

Taxes on dividends

The tax situation of our investors depends on the country in which they are tax residents. Le...

Real estate investment in the U.S. in 2019 : Comparison between Baltimore and Detroit

When it comes to real estate investment, analyzing and timing your local market is necessary. Baltim...

Our mission:Participating in the redevelopment of Baltimore

Our mission:Participating in the redevelopment of Baltimore   BaltimoRealEstate LLC is de...

US tax rules on property income and capital gains

US tax rules on property income and capital gains   Foreign investors might wonder whethe...

Why we chose to invest in Baltimore

Why we chose to invest in Baltimore   The United States is one of the world's largest...

Why invest in real estate in the United States?

Why invest in real estate in the United States?   Whether you are considering a first pur...

5 common mistakes when investing in real estate

5 common mistakes when investing in real estate        1. Not da...

2 easy ways to invest in real estate

2 easy ways to invest in real estate   Investing in real property is one of the safest in...

See latest property of BaltimoRealEstate


Baltimore real estate market

Baltimore real estate market  Before investing in real estate, an investor should always see...

Baltimore today

Baltimore today       Baltimore is now a major seaport with ship repair f...

The History of Baltimore, Maryland

The History of Baltimore, Maryland   Baltimore, Maryland, was established in 1729 and wa...

Yanick Jetha's ambitious project in the United States

Yanick Jetha's ambitious project in the United States   Yanick Jetha, a Frenchman in ...

BaltimoRealEstate makes investing in real estate simple, smart, and effective for the investors.

  Baltimore is a very reliable investing market thanks to its steady, dependable economy...

The Latest Baltimore Real Estate Market Trends

Baltimore’s real estate market is very large, seeing as it is one of the largest cities in the...

Our support for Baltimore is stronger than ever

Human blood has no color. The recent events in Minneapolis make even more reason for us to develop t...

The impact of the Coronavirus on the real estate market

The impact of the Coronavirus on the real estate market   In this time of stock market vo...

Consequences of the Coronavirus on the global economy - stability of the real estate market

The health crisis linked to the spread of the coronavirus outside China appears to pose a great risk...

What experts predict for the US housing market in 2020

In their 2020 forecast, most real estate experts expect the housing market to move sideways rather t...

The Reasons Why Real Estate Investment Remains A Safe And Profitable Investment

A decade after the collapse of Lehman Brothers sparked a plunge in markets and a raft of emergency m...

U.S. Real Estate Investment in 2019: Baltimore vs. New York

When it comes to real estate investment, the analysis of the real estate market in the city you are ...

Taxes on dividends

The tax situation of our investors depends on the country in which they are tax residents. Le...

Real estate investment in the U.S. in 2019 : Comparison between Baltimore and Detroit

When it comes to real estate investment, analyzing and timing your local market is necessary. Baltim...

Our mission:Participating in the redevelopment of Baltimore

Our mission:Participating in the redevelopment of Baltimore   BaltimoRealEstate LLC is de...

US tax rules on property income and capital gains

US tax rules on property income and capital gains   Foreign investors might wonder whethe...

Why we chose to invest in Baltimore

Why we chose to invest in Baltimore   The United States is one of the world's largest...

Why invest in real estate in the United States?

Why invest in real estate in the United States?   Whether you are considering a first pur...

5 common mistakes when investing in real estate

5 common mistakes when investing in real estate        1. Not da...

2 easy ways to invest in real estate

2 easy ways to invest in real estate   Investing in real property is one of the safest in...

See latest property of BaltimoRealEstate


Baltimore real estate market

Baltimore real estate market  Before investing in real estate, an investor should always see...

Baltimore today

Baltimore today       Baltimore is now a major seaport with ship repair f...

The History of Baltimore, Maryland

The History of Baltimore, Maryland   Baltimore, Maryland, was established in 1729 and wa...

Yanick Jetha's ambitious project in the United States

Yanick Jetha's ambitious project in the United States   Yanick Jetha, a Frenchman in ...

5 common mistakes when investing in real estate

5 common mistakes when investing in real estate 




1. Not daring to invest

Several obstacles may seem to be so overwhelming to investors, that they often end up not daring to invest. It can come from a lack of knowledge or even a lack of confidence leading to a fear of losing money and wasting time. However, if you don't try, you can't win; not trying then means missing opportunity to success and make profit.


2. Not having a pre-established plan

Because real estate investment is a long-term investment, the establishment of clear goals is a necessity in order to stay focused on these goals. Preparing and implementing a plan with goals foreseeing the amount to invest, the time to invest and the desired profits thus makes it possible first of all to be motivated and therefore to start (see point 1), but also to consider and anticipate the advantages and disadvantages of the investment, as well as the strategies to be adopted. Preparing also helps to structure your ideas and analyze the type of investment that best suits your personality and your goals (see article "the two easiest ways to invest in real estate").


3. Trying to do everything on your own

Real estate investment should always be carried out with a team involving people whose different skills and knowledge will lead to a better investment.  An excellent real estate agent will be able to find a great property at a fair price. An excellent mortgage broker can ensure that financing at a good rate is obtained. An excellent real estate investment fund such as BaltimoRealEstate LLC will take care of everything from finding a property to buy, to financing, renovating, managing and renting the property, to reselling if necessary.

Even if investing is one of the simplest and safest investment, it may seem simpler than it actually is. Indeed, defining the amount to invest, obtaining a mortgage loan, buying a property, renovating, finding a tenant, managing the property, meeting all the obligations of an owner... requires in-depth knowledge so that costs do not increase at a high speed, taking the investor away from his profit objectives.


4. Overspending

When an investor decides to invest in real estate, the amount he decides to invest should always be determined as the final value of his investment, i.e. he should foresee the costs associated with the investment such as the payment of professional services, closing fees, renovation costs etc. It is very common for an investor to spend too much on renovations, especially when there was no pre-established plan or budget (see point 2). Indeed, an investor may tend to want to improve his property too much, without first analyzing the need of such renovation compared to their costs.


5. Forgetting to analyze the real estate market

It is important to know when an offer is a great opportunity to make a profit or, on the contrary, to realize that the price of a property is too high. To do so, an investor must always analyze the real estate market of the cities he is targeting.

It is often difficult to assess when patience or intervention is required. An investor must either be patient and deepen his knowledge, or rely on the services of a real estate investment fund such as BaltimoRealEstate (see point 3).


In conclusion, a real estate investment is never (or rarely) based on luck; it is a decision that requires a thorough analysis. A real estate investment specialist thus offers the security of a more secure investment.